NEW shirts and FREE “Deek Art”- Last Min Tiny House Holiday Thang…

Better late than never, right? So, I’ve designed not one, but two tiny house related shirts with the reuse-based clothing line (100% indie) ”Stay Vocal”…. For the next week (or within two days if you most likely want one shipped before Christmas (ordered by tonight/tommorow morning) I’m going to give people that order one of these shirts a FREE original art piece (on repurposed baseball cards- graffiti style) AND a really cool full color sticker from one of my favorite artists ”Keemo”. Just a ”THANK YOU” for supporting us. ’Hope you all have a great holiday- and Merry Christmas!

Here is the link…

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About the Author: Teensy Tiny Homes

I love leaving a small footprint and making the most of it. Find great designs for tiny homes on Teensy Tiny Homes. Get tips from designers, builders, and experts on the best way to maximize available space and make the best use of it.

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