What can we find in ONE HOUR on the streets? Trash Picking For Profit

I recently decided to see what I could find in and around my town (right outside Boston, MA) in a single hour, and well, I had a pretty decent day! Some of these items (at the time of editing this video) have already sold for a decent price already (I tell you what they fetched), showing yet again, that one person’s trash is another’s treasure. In this video I show you the salvaged street finds I grabbed on this one trash day, some of which will sell on ebay, craigslist, and Facebook marketplace, and the rest of which will be destined for future flea markets or yard sales (garage sales). Check it out and see what we nabbed this time around!

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About the Author: Teensy Tiny Homes

I love leaving a small footprint and making the most of it. Find great designs for tiny homes on Teensy Tiny Homes. Get tips from designers, builders, and experts on the best way to maximize available space and make the best use of it.

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